- class blazefl.core.SerialClientTrainer[source]#
]Abstract base class for serial client training in federated learning.
This class defines the interface for training clients in a serial manner, where each client is processed one after the other.
- Raises:
NotImplementedError – If the methods are not implemented in a subclass.
- __init__()#
(payload, cid_list)Process the downlink payload from the server for a list of client IDs.
Prepare the data package to be sent from the client to the server.
- abstract local_process(payload: DownlinkPackage, cid_list: list[int]) None [source]#
Process the downlink payload from the server for a list of client IDs.
- Parameters:
payload (DownlinkPackage) – The data package received from the server.
cid_list (list[int]) – A list of client IDs to process.
- Returns: