Figure 1: The proposed DS-FL+ method with Energy-based Thresholding.
Federated Learning (FL) is a decentralized machine learning setting where many clients collaboratively train a global model without exposing their local training data. While the most used FL methods average clients' model parameters, several distillation-based methods have been proposed to aggregate model outputs for open unlabeled datasets and transfer the knowledge, which can significantly reduce the communication costs.
In this study, we propose a new distillation-based method called DS-FL+. It utilizes the Energy score used for out-of-distribution detection to perform thresholding, so that clients only send predictions to the server for relatively well-trained data.
Experimental results demonstrate our proposed DS-FL+ can reduce communication costs by ~80% for the CIFAR-10 dataset under the Non-IID setting.
Figure 1: The proposed DS-FL+ method with Energy-based Thresholding.
Table 1: List of key notations.
Figure 2: Details of the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Figure 3: Data partition on the private dataset.
Figure 4: Performance comparison of three different thresholding; Energy-based (ours), MSP-based and DS-FL [2] (without thresholding).
Figure 5: Performance comparison of four different percentage of threshold.
author={Kitsuya, Azuma and Tomo, Miyazaki and Shinichiro, Omachi},
title={Energy-based Knowledge Distillation for Communication-Efficient Federated Learning},
journal={IEICE General Conference, ISS Junior & Student Poster Sessions},